What is storytelling?
We are all storytellers in our everyday lives, recounting our days to our families and friends. But conversational stories are often incomplete. Formal storytelling involves mindful sharing, and listening, to the whole story. It’s an ancient art that is undergoing a worldwide revival.
“There’s some spark of life that’s in a story and in the storyteller and in the listener,” said Faye Mogensen, author and active Guild member. “There’s a human exchange going on that I think we all need, and that we’re not getting enough of.”

What does the guild do?
On the third Monday of each month, the Victoria Storytellers’ Guild hosts Stories at Fern, a two-hour storytelling event. We hold special concerts featuring storytellers from away, and many of our members are active storytellers in the community. To develop the skills and support the confidence of new and experienced storytellers we also host workshops, discussion groups and events tailored to the needs of our members.
Our history

The Victoria Storytellers’ Guild was formed in 1989 by two senior members of the Victoria Central Library’s Children’s Department, Barbara Hutcheson and Margaret Toakley brought in tellers from Vancouver for performances and workshops, starting with Nan Gregory and Melanie Ray, and supported participants wishing to form a local group.
In 2010, the informal group was registered under the BC Society Act, and adopted a formal governance structure with executive roles forming a board for decision-making.

Contact us
General Information info@victoriastorytellers.org
President Andrea Brimmell president@victoriastorytellers.org
Vice President Kara Woodcock vp@victoriastorytellers.org
Treasurer Joanne Thibault treasurer@victoriastorytellers.org
Secretary Jennifer Ferris secretary@victoriastorytellers.org
Membership Victoria Cownden membership@victoriastorytellers.org
Publicity Andrea Brimmell publicity@victoriastorytellers.org
Root Cellar (Library) rootcellar@victoriastorytellers.org
Webmaster Al Fowler communications@victoriastorytellers.org